06 June 2017

Among Birds

Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Springtime. Chirps. Trills. Tweets. I am Magnetized with their Melodic Speech. On branches. In the Air. Always moving. Mesmerizing. Pjer is photoing. Reminds me of the Georges Duthuit's words in his book Chinese Mysticism and Modern Painting:
When the Chinese artist paints, what matters is the concentration of thought and the prompt vigorous response of the hand to the directing will... He who deliberates and moves his brush intent on making a picture, misses to a still greater extent the art of painting. Draw bamboos for ten years, become a bamboo, then forget all about bamboos when you are drawing...
Fresh Pond: Wings. Made by Nature.

Fresh Pond: Something interesting over there?

Fresh Pond: I see you down there!

Fresh Pond: Geronimo!

Fresh Pond: Take a moment

Fresh Pond: And fly away

Fresh Pond: What is she thinking?

Fresh Pond: Birdly Moments

Fresh Pond: Seasonal Visitors

Fresh Pond: Made to Measure