28 February 2018

Warming February

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Just days ago, we had the warmest February day ever recorded here. It reached 22°C (71°F)... Red-winged blackbirds have arrived. Nibbling on the last season's seeds. And making themselves known... Waiting for their ladies... My Silver Maple is waking up. Is it a bit early? I hope she knows... Others still asleep...

Cambridge: Arrived

Cambridge: Nibbling on the last season's seeds

Cambridge: Is it a bit early? I hope she knows...

Cambridge: Awaiting

24 February 2018

... me too...

Black's Nook, Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Black's Nook: ... me too...

22 February 2018

I just stand...

Hurricane Hill, Olympic National Park
‘I have a story. There was once a man standing on a high elevation. A company of several men who happened to be walking on the road noticed from the distance the man standing on a high place, and talked among themselves about this man. One of them said: ‘He must have lost his favorite animal.’ Another man said: ‘No, it must be his friend whom he is looking for.’ A third one said: ‘He is just enjoying the cool air up there.’ The three could not agree and the discussion went on until they reached the high place where the man was. One of the three asked: ‘O friend, standing up there, have you not lost your favorite animal?’ ‘No, sir I have not lost any.’ The second man asked: ‘Have you not lost your friend?’ ‘No, sir, I have not lost my friend, either.’ The third man asked: ‘Are you not enjoying the fresh breeze up there?’ ‘No, sir, I am not.’ ‘What, then, are you standing up there for, if you say “no” to all our questions?’ The man on high said: ‘I just stand.’

Master Wu-chu to his disciple Wu-yu

Hurricane Hill: ... I just stand...

16 February 2018

... The Ocean...

Mahaulepu Coast, Kauai

Like a Ship in the midst of the Ocean... Coasting... The Waves. The Colors. The Sounds... Absorbing resonating images... Nick Lane, a biochemist and a writer, tells the story of alkaline hydrothermal vents. These vents sit at the bottom of oceans where water meets rock. Their architecture and chemistry makes them one of the very few natural environments that can support the creation of early life. And, as it stands right now, they are, most likely, our cradles. The places where it all began 4 billion years ago... Looking at the Ocean... I wonder... Can it be that trillions of my cells feel this rolling blueness to be our Home ?

Mahaulepu Coast: ... like a ship...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... the waves...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... the colors...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... to infinity...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... rolling...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... into the cliffs...

Mahaulepu Coast: ... I wonder...

12 February 2018


Larsen's Beach, Kauai

Crystalline Turquoise... and The Sand... Minuscule particles of rocks and corals... Monk Seal Mom and Pup sleeping over there. In Peace and Quiet... Raining on the Horizon... The Ocean...

Larsen's Beach: ... crystalline turquoise...

Larsen's Beach: ... and the sand...

Larsen's Beach: ... where waves leave traces...

Larsen's Beach: ... and monk seals rest...

Larsen's Beach: ... in peace and quiet...

Larsen's Beach: ... and trees come closer...

Larsen's Beach: ... bringing shadows along...

Larsen's Beach: ... keeping...

Larsen's Beach: ... raining...

Larsen's Beach: ... on the horizon...

Larsen's Beach: ... the ocean...

08 February 2018


Larsen's Beach, Kauai

Hopping back in Time... Warm and Windy... Monk Seal sleeping... The Ocean's sweet lullaby...

Larsen's Beach: ... the Ocean's sweet lullaby...

04 February 2018


Fells Reservation, Massachusetts

Through soggy browns. And mossy greens... to the Waterfall. Frozen in time. Coming at me... All alone ice-land... a reminder of the times passed...

Fells: ... frozen in time...

Fells: ... coming at me...

Fells: ... and then stops...

Fells: ... falling...

Fells: ... all alone reminder...