06 November 2017

Points of View

Jordan Pond, Acadia National Park

The deepest Lake on the Island. Flanked by the Mountains. Tracing the glacier's retreat to the north... Deep blue with blue skies. Rippling with the breeze. Sparkling with the Sun... From high above, where I take a deep breath... Or very near, where I see, touch, hear... Autumn reflections. And the Light... ALL merging. In a single soul.

Jordan Pond: Crisp and Blue Day

Jordan Pond: Tracing the glacier's retreat. The Bubbles in the Way.

Jordan Pond: High above

Jordan Pond: Where time loses meaning

Jordan Pond: Deep Blue. Rippling with the Breeze.

Jordan Pond: Sparkling with the Sun

Jordan Pond: Touched by the Sunlight

Jordan Pond: Vibrant crowd alongside

Jordan Pond: Echoing the Autumn

Jordan Pond: To the Last Stalk

Jordan Pond: Creating the Stage

Jordan Pond: Where Light, Color, and Water enjoy their Play

Jordan Pond: Before the Late Sun winks