Estabrook Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
Yet in many ways quite alike...
27 June 2024
23 June 2024
Of Looks and Peeks
Estabrook Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
The name comes from Thoreau who, in June of 1853 in his journal,
reflected on the area, and proposed the name Estabrook Country for IT.
Rarely talked about in public,
this piece of land is owned by the stewards of the woods to protect IT as a nature preserve.
And here I am,
with the thoughts on a thoroughly revealing message from the Estabrook Council:
Visiting most of Estabrook Woods is a privilege and not a right.
15 June 2024
11 June 2024
The Sea of Green Light
Estabrook Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
Sunny spring days flow into the woods, waving green light from the crowns.
Makes me think about the leaves, these masters of photosynthesis.
Taking the reds and blues to make energy, and letting the greens color the woods.
Why ?
What makes the greens worthless for the leaves ?
Nobody knows. Some ideas lead to the sea.
Deep waters abound with blue and red light, not so much with the green.
the ancestor who lived down there did not evolve the chlorophyll to absorb green light.
Can then this GREEN be a reminder that all of us came from the sea ?
I love the spirit,
as if being at the bottom of the sea and looking up to its restless surface...
06 June 2024
Shaping Into the Skies
Estabrook Woods, Concord, Massachusetts
Woods bring views...
not the ones we all climb to the peaks for, but which come by simply looking around.
The pine tree over there has taken all the focus.
Bravely curving into the skies, full of self-belief that it is the right way.
whose sister boughs know that they are in this together.
Graciously winding to reach the Sun...